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A Sequential Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Two-Phase Flow in Deformable Porous Media
Understanding the coupling between fluid flow and solid deformation in porous media is crucial for 
the development of biomedical devices and energy technologies relating to a wide range of biological 
and geological processes. The linear poroelasticity problem describes the interaction between fluid 
flow and mechanical deformation of a porous medium. In such a multiphysics problem, the multiphase 
flow equations and geomechanical equilibrium equation have to be tightly coupled. 

Figure 1: Heterogeneous medium problem (click the figures for animation), water saturation profiles
 (top row: case I, bottom row: case II ), uniform meshes with tetrahedral elements, and discontinuous 
piecewise linear basis functions, displacement scaled up for visualization

Figure 2: Porous medium subjected to load (click the figures for animation), water saturation profiles,
 displacement scaled up for visualization
Figure 3: Heterogeneous medium problem with SPE10 CSP data,  (click the figures for animation), 
water saturation profiles (top), porosity (bottom left), absolute permeability in log scale (bottom right)
and displacement scaled up for visualization.