Numerical Method and Hybrid Parallelization for the Computation of Synchrotron Radiation
Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) is a collective radiation effect in accelerators when a high current particle beam moves along a circular trajectory. The high-brilliance electron beam and coherent short-wavelength light source provide a powerful method to understand the microscopic structure and dynamics of materials. The computation of CSR remains challenging in the classic particle-in-cell method since the electron beam is disturbed by the powerful radiation generated from previous coherent emissions.
Cosyr is a particle beam dynamics simulation code with multi-dimensional synchrotron radiation effects. It tackles a fundamental problem of the self-consistent nonlinear dynamics of a particle beam from its complete self-fields, particularly the radiation fields, i.e the coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) problem.
At Los Alamos National Laboratory, as a research intern, my contributions to Cosyr involve
the development and multilevel parallelization. The design, robustness, and portability of
the open source CSR simulation is a huge step forward in ultra-bright beam applications
and the development of advanced accelerators.
Simulation codes Cosyr published on GitHub